Application opportunity
II. Civil Engineering Scholarship Program
Start from
Date of launch of the call. Submission of projects will continue until the end of the application period.
Deadline for submission of projects.
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
The expected deadline for the announcement of the results. May vary depending on the number of project proposals received, i.e. the number and complexity of clarifications requested/received.
The date for the announcement of the results will be extended by a few days due to over-subscription and the processing of a significant amount of data.
Scholarship Program
We are announcing scholarships for one semester duration of the study period of the university’s bachelor’s degree III. year for civil engineering students.
Apply if you have at least a 7 grade point average in the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. It is not a condition of exclusion if you have failed an exam.
Successful applicants will receive a monthly scholarship of 1,500 RON for the 2023-2024 academic year II. semester and they will have the opportunity to complete their professional internship at the construction company ING Service outside of the study period.
To apply for the scholarship:
-> CFDP | Railways, Roads and Bridges;
-> CCIA | Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Constructions;
-> IMC | Engineering and Management in Constructions.
Mandatory application requirements:
Third-year student
If you are a third-year active student at the civil engineering faculty of a Romanian public university and prove this with a certificate issued by the university, you can already apply.
Transylvanian residence
Your permanent residence should be in a municipality in one of the Transylvanian counties: Alba, Arad, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Caraș-Severin, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Maramureș, Mureș, Sălaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Timiș.
Professional internship
Next summer, in July, August or September 2024, you can participate in a three-week obligatory internship at ING Service construction company or/and its branches in Harghita County.
Decisive criteria:
15% - language skills
You have a good command of Hungarian, Romanian and English. Romanian, Hungarian and English baccalaureate marks and oral results will count here.
15% - 7 media as a minimum
In the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024, you obtained an average of min. 7. It is not an exclusion condition if you have a few missed exams.
2,5% - CONFERENCE, competition, etc.
You have participated in national or international competitions, university research, student scientific conferences, professional programs.
If you have already applied in the first semester (2023-2024) for a social scholarship at the university and received it, ask at the secretariat for a certificate and you can attach it to your documents.
After attaching your CV, please explain in your cover letter why you would like to do an internship at ING Service construction company, why you chose civil engineering, what you like about your profession and tell us about yourself: your motivations, your short and long term goals and finally, what is your "superpower"?
** Clarifications
Knowledge of the Hungarian language IS NOT A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT, students can apply even without this knowledge, because it is only a decisive criterion, i.e. EXTRA POINTS CAN BE OBTAINED with it. Knowledge of the three languages (ro, hu, eng) counts for 15% of the points. Students who don't know Hungarian will receive 5% fewer points, but if they know a language other than English and Romanian, they can gain the 5% back. We justify the optional criterion of Hungarian language knowledge by the fact that in Harghita county we also work with subcontractors, construction workers, etc., with whom we can only communicate effectively in Hungarian because of their lack of language skills.
Once you have 60 points, you are eligible for a scholarship.
The decision is determined by the extra points you get, 40 in total.
General objective: to encourage talented students and expand their knowledge and professional experience
- Amount of the scholarship: 1 500 RON/month.
- Maximum scholarship amount: 6 000 RON/person.
- The scholarship is paid monthly.
Where and when to submit your application:
- Headquarter of ING Service for the Community Association, Zorilor Street No 73, 1st floor, No 6, Miercurea-Ciuc, Hargita county;
- Opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9-14.
- E-mail:
How applications are evaluated:
- The evaluation committee has the right to request clarifications (including documents other than those submitted) if it considers it necessary to clarify certain aspects.
- Candidates will have 3 working days from the date of receipt of the Request for Clarification sent to the e-mail address provided in the CV (unless the nature of the clarification requires additional documentation from a third party. In such cases, the time limit will be determined according to the nature of the documents/information referred to).
- The committee meets only once to make the decision and sign the selection report.
Date and method of publication of the results of the selection procedure:
- The evaluation committee will prepare a selection report with an annex listing the selected applicant(s).
- The list of selected applicants will be presented on the Association's website (name of the applicant, university, year, field of study).
- Applicants will be notified by e-mail when the results are posted on the Association's website.
Within 3 working days of the approval of the selection report, the Association will notify the applicants in writing or by e-mail of the outcome of the selection procedure, together with the applicant’s confirmation. Applicants have the right to lodge an appeal at the Association’s headquarter within 3 working days.
Eligible applicants and decisive criteria:
- 1. Third-year active student status at the civil engineering faculty of a Romanian public university.
- 2. A natural person living in any county of Transylvania (Alba, Arad, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Caraș-Severin, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Maramureș, Mureș, Sălaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Timiș) who submits a project proposal.
- 3. In July, August or September 2024, the candidate will be able to participate in a three-week obligatory internship at the construction company ING Service based in Miercurea-Ciuc and/or its construction sites in Harghita County.
- 4. Knowledge of Hungarian, Romanian and English at a conversational level.
- 5. Minimum media 7 in the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024. Non-exclusionary condition if there are missed exams.
- 6. Participation in national and/or international competitions, academic research, scientific student conferences, professional programmes directly related to the Faculty of Construction.
- 7. Eligibility for a social scholarship for the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024.
- 8. Curriculum vitae and cover letter.
- 9. Bank account statement.
- 1. Proof that you are an active student in year III. You can obtain it from the University secretariat.
- 2. Copy of your identity card;
- 3. You must provide a handwritten statement, indicating the date or period of time when you can participate in the professional internship.
- 4. You will need to attach a copy of your language certificate (English or/and any foreign language), if available, to prove your language skills. If you don't have a language test, you must present the results of your baccalaureate and oral examinations: a copy of your baccalaureate diploma and your diplomas of the oral examinations.
- 5. A certificate issued by the university secretariat showing the grades obtained in the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024 for the courses and the media for the same semester must be attached. + A copy of the university transcript (foaie matricolă) issued by the university secretariat showing the grades and the media obtained in the I. and II. year of the academic year 2021-2022, 2022-2023 for the courses.
- 6. You may submit a certificate/copy of your conference programme/transcript, certificate of attendance, letter of recommendation from a teacher, etc., showing that you have participated in a competition, scientific student conference or professional event.
- 7. You will need to obtain a certificate from the university secretariat showing that you were eligible for a social scholarship in the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024.
- 8. CV (include current phone number and e-mail address), cover letter;
- 9. Bank account statement.
Where applicants can send their application documents:
Contact details of the Association where applicants can obtain detailed information:
- ING Service for the Community Association, Zorilor Street No. 73, 1st floor, No. 6, Miercurea-Ciuc, Harghita county
- Contact person: Béres Zsuzsanna, Darvas Boróka
- Phone number: 0749 164 067, 0751 893 622
- E-mail:,